Unplugging is the act of abstaining from devices such as smartphones and laptops and doing something else for a change. Unplugging regularly benefits both the mind and body, and acts as a reset to keep you from becoming too addicted to social media and technology. Here are five unplugging activities you can do while staying at your Elta condo.
Read a Book
Books were often the go-to media for entertainment before TV and the internet came along. Reading a book fuels the imagination and you can learn new words and expand your vocabulary along the way. Make sure to read in a well-lit area so your eyes won’t get strained during prolonged periods.
Cloud or Star Watching
Watching the clouds during the day or the stars at night is a great way to unplug. Looking at nature is a relaxing activity in itself, and you can let your mind wander and reset your creative thoughts after a while. Do this the next time you camp out or when you go on a hike.
Catch Up with Friends or Family Members
Reach out to friends you haven’t spoken to in a while and catch up with their lives. The same applies to family members and relatives. You can set up a coffee chat or invite them over to your place, or vice versa.
Listen to Music
Listening to music can energize, uplift, or relax, depending on the genre and song. You can listen with others via a Bluetooth speaker or by yourself with a pair of headphones or earbuds.
Clean Up
Last but not least, you can be productive and clean up your house or condo when you have nothing to do. Declutter and throw out things you don’t need, or organize your stuff and put them into containers or shelves.