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The Importance of Seed Keywords and Keyword Intent in Ecommerce SEO

The Importance of Seed Keywords and Keyword Intent in Ecommerce SEO

Marketers specializing in SEO should know all the tricks of the trade. They should know how to do keyword research, how to optimize on-site content, how to generate backlinks, etc. When it comes to some of the more specialized forms, like ecommerce SEO, there are some other things to apply. Two examples are seed keywords and keyword intent.

Seed keywords and keyword intent are principles utilized throughout the SEO space. But they take on a bit more importance in the ecommerce realm. Ecommerce SEO is a lot more specific because searches related to it are equally specific. Marketers need to approach it a little bit differently.

Seed Keywords Get the Ball Rolling

Every new SEO campaign begins with keyword research. The whole point of SEO is to gain better search rankings on Google, Bing, and other search engines. And since keywords are still the main component by which websites are ranked, marketers have to do research to determine which keywords will work best for each campaign. Seed keywords get the ball rolling.

Seed keywords are basic keywords that provide the fuel for keyword research. As an example, consider the marketers at Salt Lake City’s Webtek Digital Marketing beginning a new campaign to rank for ecommerce SEO services. The term ‘ecommerce’ would not be a good seed keyword because it is too basic. A better choice would be ‘ecommerce SEO’. An even better choice would be ‘ecommerce SEO services’.

Webtek marketers would search one or two seed keywords in order to find long lists of associated keywords and all the data pertaining to them. From those longer lists they can select the keywords they believe will be most appropriate for the campaign.

Seed Keywords for Ecommerce

Seed keywords are especially helpful in the ecommerce world due to the specificity of some searches. Imagine a customer looking to buy a new pair of running shoes. He might use a generic term or specify a brand. He might specifically search for ‘men’s running shoes’ or ‘running shoes under $100’.

The specificity of ecommerce searches can be extremely granular in some cases. As such, it can be difficult for marketers to capture all the best keywords without a little help to get things going. Seed keywords provide that help. They provide the seed on which a keyword list can be built.

Understanding Keyword Intent

While seed keywords get the ball rolling, understanding keyword intent helps marketers narrow down the best keywords for a particular campaign. Generally speaking, keyword intent is divided into two categories:

Both types of intent should be accounted for in an ecommerce SEO campaign. A good mix of informational and commercial keywords will appeal to a wider audience. The trick is choosing those keywords based on the products you are trying to sell.

The specific nature of ecommerce might lead you to believe that ecommerce SEO is pretty easy to master. It is actually not. Ecommerce SEO can be incredibly challenging. That’s why marketers recommend having a working knowledge of seed keywords and keyword intent before embarking on a new campaign.

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