
Python vs Java: Differences that Developers Should Know

Python vs Java Differences that Developers Should Know

Programming languages are a crucial part of the development of various applications in computer science. Do you wonder what are these programming languages? They are a system of notations to write computer programs. In layman’s language, the language of computer is referred to programming language. Plus, they are written in lines of code.

Software applications can be created using these codes when they are written properly. The software can be anything from a simple mobile application to an interface of a manufacturing machine.

Now that we have an idea that programming languages are important, gives rise to the question that which programming languages one should opt for. Well, Python and Java are considered the most popular programming languages.

There are several times when we hear people saying that Java is faster than Python, or Python is more secure than Java, and many other types of comparisons. Here in this blog post we will distinguish between the two and draw comparisons so that you have a better understanding of which of the both is better and why? Want to learn more about it? Let’s get started.

What Is Java?

Java is a popular server-side programming language. It is used for building web applications. Plus, the language is known to run on several devices, such as notebook computers, mobile devices, gaming consoles, and several others. The syntax of Java is based on C, and C++ languages. If you are looking forward to creating a web app with Java, then a leading Java development company can help you with it.

What Is Python?

A high-level, interpreted, and multipurpose computer programming language is called Python. It is renowned for having a straightforward syntax that is simple to learn as well as a large library of modules for many activities, including web development, scientific computing, data analysis, and more. If you want system automation and administration, Python development services are your one-stop solution.

Why Do We Need Python?

As Python is widely used for various purposes because of its simplicity, reliability, and versatility, a few reasons for using Python include:

  1. Easy to learn – It has a straightforward syntax, which makes it easy for beginners to learn and get started with programming.
  2. Vast and vibrant community –Python has a vibrant and sizable developer community that actively contributes to its advancement and supports users.
  3. Cross-platform Compatibility – It is a platform-independent language that may be used with Windows, MacOS, and Linux among other operating systems.
  4. Interoperability – It can be used in conjunction with other programming languages, making it easy to integrate into existing software systems.

Why Do We Need Java?

It is a popular language that is widely used for several purposes. Let us unleash the reasons for using Java programming language.

  1. Secure – Java has built-in security features that protect against malicious software, such as viruses and malware.
  2. Robust – It has a strong type-checking mechanism, automatic memory management, and exception-handling features that make it more robust and less prone to security vulnerabilities.
  3. Scalability – Java is ideal for large-scale enterprise applications since it is scalable by design.
  4. Extensive libraries – Java has a rich collection of libraries, frameworks, and tools that make it easy to develop and deploy applications.

Difference Between Java and Python

By this time, Python and Java have both become well-known programming languages. But certain key differences between the two of them enable a range of application situations. The following are a few of the key distinctions between Python and Java:

1. Syntax

Java is a more verbose syntax compared to Python, which has a more intuitive and readable syntax. Lines can be entered directly into the terminal, where Java compiles the entire program before it can start.

2. Object-oriented

Java is considered a purely object-oriented language, while Python on the other hand is a multi-paradigm language.

3. Performance

Because Java is a compiled language, it is frequently faster and more efficient than Python. The popular interpreted language Python is shorter and more readable than Java.

4. Platform independent

Both programming languages are platform-independent, but Java requires a Java Virtual Machine, to be installed on the target device. On the other hand, Python is interpreted and can run without any additional software.

5. Library support

Java has a huge collection of libraries, frameworks, and tools. It makes Java suitable for developing complex applications. Contrary, Python also has an extensive library, but it is focused on scientific computing and data analysis.

6. Community

Java and Python have large and active communities of developers who contribute to their development and provide support to the users.

7. Fixing bugs

In Python, the programmer’s errors won’t be discovered until the line of code is executed. It may slow down operational hiccups and prolong turnaround times. Python makes its objects susceptible to mutations, but Java forbids mutations.

8. Portability

A Java application can be run on any computer or mobile device that can run the Java virtual machine. On the other hand, Python programs need an interpreter to translate the code, which must be installed on the target machine. Python is less portable than Java, for example.

9. Backend frameworks

The backend frameworks for Java are Spring, and Blade, on the other hand for Python are Django and Flask. If you need help with any of these backend frameworks, then backend development solutions from experts can help you.

These are a few differences between Python and Java. Now, let us look into another aspect, i.e., which one out of the two is better.

Which Is Better Java or Python?

Well, it is not a matter of “better”, but rather what is the best suited for a particular task or project. Both Python and Java have their own benefits and disadvantages.

Java is known for its efficiency, scalability, and maintainability being object-oriented and statically typed. It is mostly used for building large, complex enterprise-level applications and mobile applications.

On contrary, Python is a dynamically typed, interpreted language, known for the aspect of simplicity, ease of use, and a large number of libraries for scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning.

At last, the choice between Java and Python should be based on the specific requirements and goals of your project. Another factor that will matter when you make a choice is the nature and cost of the development project.

Future of Python vs Java

Well, both programming languages have a bright future ahead of time. The reason behind the same is that both languages have advanced libraries and frameworks that can go well with the modern and emerging technologies that are the latest in the trends. Also, do not overlook the fact that these two are the best backend development solutions.

Java will be most suitable for security, cross-platform software, and infrastructure software. On the other hand, Python will be the best choice when it comes down to developing new algorithms, machine learning, and data science analytics.


It is really hard to say which one is better because both the programming languages are very close. They have a lot of similarities between them, and the only point of difference is that one is statically typed, and the other is dynamically typed. But this does not mean that Python cannot be used for building enterprise-level applications or that Java can’t be used for machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) projects. So, it’ll be up to that which out of the two you should choose.

About author

Carl Herman is an editor at DataFileHost enjoys writing about the latest Tech trends around the globe.