With almost every other business and firm operating across online modes, the number of websites and applications has multiplied greatly over the last few years. With this overwhelming increase in the number of users, an extended check on security becomes inevitable. Though most of these sites and APIs are password protected, a better security system, like ones with token-based authentication can add to your protection.
Understanding How it Works
In most regular device security systems, users are generally asked for passwords, which can be remembered for further logins and session entries. In contrast, token-based systems are single-use. With token-based systems, every login is followed by the generation of a user specific token, which allows them to log in. This token is stored and verified by the browser beforehand for added security. Once the website is exited by the user, this temporary token is completely deleted.
By storing none of the user’s login information, token authentication systems ensure higher levels of protection. For this reason, this mode is preferred for sharing confidential or highly valuable info among groups.
Getting Started with Token-Based Authentication
Nowadays, setting up a token-based security system is relatively easier, when compared to the previous era of passwords. There are many designated groups and in-house teams which can help you with your key protection system. These teams can also provide you with custom-developed solutions, which are suited for your server and API.

Advantages of Token-Based Systems
One of the major advantages that this method possesses over traditional password protection is that the tokens are completely machine-generated. Traditional passwords are typically created by humans and are usually super easy to crack. This also wastes a significant amount of the users’ time, by putting them through the unnecessary task of entering data repeatedly.
Apart from simply making the process easier, this process holds significant value in adding to the security of your site. Here are a few instances to help you understand better.
1. Added Security
By providing an additional level of protection to your session, these highly-protected codes and tokens ensure that your data and identity are protected carefully. With these machine-generated single-use tokens, the entire process of logging in and out is made highly encrypted and does not allow for any tampering.
2. Better Organization
Unlike the traditional password-protected system where the users are forced to enter their key credentials and data over and over again, these tokens are generated temporarily with every entry. Since it is a single machine-controlled process under complete control of the domain, the owner has better access to the happenings and resources within the site. Additionally, this provides a more closed network, ultimately avoiding any issues which might arise.
This streamlined process also enables its users to jump across server interfaces with ease, as the authentication process is cut down.
Though passwords were considered very secure previously, a more developed online interface calls for higher levels of security. Token-based authentication remains one of the best alternatives as of now, and can definitely be a great choice to improve the walls of your domain.