
8 Emergency Plumbing Situations that Call for an Expert Plumber

8 Emergency Plumbing Situations that Call for an Expert Plumber

Some of the most common plumbing issues you experience at home can be easily solved by a bit of effort and the right equipment. But some plumbing problems should be left to someone who has experience and more sophisticated equipment.

Contacting an emergency plumber Brisbane residents know and trust, is a much better idea than tackling one of these problems yourself and making it worse. Let’s look at 8 situations regarding your home plumbing that should be deemed an emergency, and which warrant a call to a professional.  

8 Emergency Plumbing Problems that Require an Expert Plumber

A Clogged Drain

You may assume that a blocked drain is easily fixed with a plunger and some effort on your part, but this is a problem that usually stems from the drainpipe itself. In Australia especially, drainpipes become clogged due to tree roots growing into the pipes, which subsequently causes your ‘flushables’ to get caught in the root network and build up. Call a plumber if your toilet shows signs of blockage, as this is not a problem you can fix without professional equipment.  

A Leaking Hot Water System

Hot water systems shouldn’t be fiddled with by homeowners unless they are qualified to work on them. These devices are responsible for your hot water, but after several years they may start deteriorating with age. Whether you notice rust on your water heater, or you happen to see puddles nearby, it’s a good idea to call out a professional to inspect it. Plumbers are qualified to make a call on whether you should replace the water heater, or simply repair it.

A Burst or Cracked Pipe

Plumbers can tell you all sorts of stories about homeowners who have tried to repair broken or cracked pipes using plastic bags or adhesives like tape and glue. This is never a good solution to the problem, since broken pipes will waste water and compromise the entirety of your plumbing. If a pipe needs replacing because it’s broken or cracked, best you call a plumber to handle it.

A Repaired Tap

You may have already attempted to repair a tap, which is something many home dwellers do themselves. It’s not always a problem, since most tap fixture components are available at hardware stores for a reasonable price. But if you’ve taken this route and the fixture is still leaking, don’t attempt to fix it again yourself, as you’ll probably end up wasting money best spent on a professional who can diagnose the problem and fix it permanently.

Bathroom Odours

Bathroom odours are a sure sign that you need professional assistance with your plumbing. These issues are usually caused by internal plumbing problems that require professional equipment and expertise to solve. Pouring bleach into your toilet or using a plunger probably won’t fix the problem, so rather call an expert and avoid wasting your time and getting frustrated.

Rotten Egg Smell

A rotten egg smell indicates a likely gas leak in your home, which may be caused by your hot water system. This is an urgent problem that should not be taken lightly. Exit your home and call a plumber to investigate, since this is a life-threatening danger that you must not handle yourself.

Lack of Water

If no water is coming out of your taps, you can check your main water supply if you have access to it. If this is not possible, or if you’ve checked it and it’s on, then calling a plumber is your only solution. Water mains on your property may be cut off or blocked for some reason, and a plumber will be able to diagnose the issue much quicker than you can.

Noises in Your Ceiling

Pipe noises present themselves in various ways, such as creaking, whistling, hissing, or banging. These sounds indicate that something is wrong with your internal pipes or your water heater itself. Trying to diagnose and remedy this kind of problem yourself is virtually impossible, and a plumber is the best person for the job.

Finding a Good Plumber for these Issues

To find a good plumber for any of the above problems, be sure to choose someone who has multiple years of experience. Plumbers with lots of experience have seen various plumbing challenges and know how to meet them head on.

Also, make sure you contact a plumber that offers a guarantee on their work. This will prevent having something fixed only to have it break a few days later. Good plumbers always promise a long-term fix, which is why they offer a guarantee on their jobs.

Final Thoughts

Spending time and money trying to fix most plumbing issues yourself isn’t worth it most of the time. If you’re experiencing any of the inconveniences listed above, be sure to keep the number of a good plumber handy so that emergency calls can be made and solutions can be swift.

About author

Carl Herman is an editor at DataFileHost enjoys writing about the latest Tech trends around the globe.